College Admission

  • Application essay strategies, development and revisions
  • Academic records review and analysis
  • Constructing a strategic and balanced college application list
  • Application proofreading (e.g., college, scholarship, internship, graduate school, etc.)
  • Extracurricular activities planning
  • College decision assistance
  • College transition skills


My advisor’s initial assessment was very accurate; her observations are detailed, targeted, student-focused and diagnostic. Her attitude is encouraging, empowering, very objective and at the same time very caring. What is so unique about Sumaiya is the fact that she instinctively tailors her approach to the needs of every student.

R. H. (medical school student)

H2D Counseling services all grade levels with a focus on students in high school through the doctorate. We assist students in-person within the greater Washington metropolitan area as well as virtually throughout the U.S. and internationally.

Free Consultation

Families and students may receive a complementary consultation to address questions about our services, and to discuss the advantages of partnering with H2D Counseling. If you are a student with special circumstances or accommodations, please let us know so that we may better determine the most appropriate services to meet your needs.

Student Assessment

H2D Counseling provides students with an initial analysis as part of developing an individualized action plan with specific goals. During the initial student assessment, you and your educational consultant with determined your strengths and areas for improvement based on your academic record, test scores and other relevant factors. To make the most effective use of your time, submit all necessary documents in advance for review and consider your questions beforehand. The session typically lasts between one to two hours. All services offered by H2D Counseling require an initial student assessment, which is included in packages at no additional charge.
Fee: $400

Educational Consulting Services

Grades 8-10

Our services are geared toward ensuring that you are prepared for high school and on-track for college. Sessions are aimed at helping you become a competitive college applicant. Common tasks completed with the aid of your educational consultant may include analyzing academic records, class scheduling, test registration, drafting a résumé, planning extracurricular activities, developing study skills, and creating an action plan.

Grades 11-12

Our services focus on helping you to make the right choices for you as well as managing your academic and extracurricular responsibilities throughout the college application process. We will work with you to develop a college lists that considers your career interests, financial needs, family preferences and culture. Sessions with your educational consultant may involve completing tasks (e.g., essay development, college or financial aid application review, résumé development) and discussion (e.g., college majors, career interests, essay revisions, class scheduling, test registration, recommendation letters, study strategies). We will help devise an action plan that will constructively utilize your time between sessions.


Our services for post-secondary applicants are tailored to help you achieve your current goals and interests. Action plans and strategies are aimed at pursuing a specific field of study or industry. More emphasis is placed on career counseling and planning.

H2D Counseling Packages

At H2D Counseling, we price our packages in accordance with our vision, to help make access to higher education more equitable. Our pricing model is designed to deliver educational and career counseling to you at an affordable rate. The amount of time needed for admission and scholarship applications depends on several factors including your writing abilities, your level of effort during the process, the clarity of your goals, the number of applications to be completed, and your starting point in the application process. If one of our packages does not suit your family’s needs, contact us for customization.

H2D Elite ™

Students may receive up to 75 hours of college admission counseling and application assistance. This option is best for students applying to competitive universities (e.g., the Ivy Leagues) that require longer applications with supplements and/or a résumé. General information about financial aid will also be provided upon request.
Fee: $7800

H2D Comprehensive ™

Students may receive up to 50 hours of college admission counseling and application assistance. This is ideal for students requiring a considerable amount of assistance and guidance with the college admission process. General information about financial aid will also be provided upon request.
Fee: $6000

H2D Standard ™

Students may receive up to 30 hours of college admission counseling and application assistance. This is good for self-motivated students who are looking for overall guidance with the college admission process. General information about financial aid will also be provided upon request.
Fee: $4200

H2D Complete Essay ™

Students may receive up to 20 hours of in-depth assistance developing college essays from start to finish (e.g., a general Common App essay; supplemental essays). Through this process, students are taught skills and strategies necessary to independently write high quality application essays in the future. This option may be available to students who have already completed their applications or who are being assisted with the college application process elsewhere and only need help with the college essay.
Fee: $3000

H2D Scholarships ™

Students are provided scholarship application assistance, which may include eligibility evaluation, essay development, application review and more. This is ideal for students who are applying to several scholarships as part of their financial aid plan.
Fee: Starts at $2400 (15 hours)

H2D Beyond College ™

College graduates and others may receive up to 20 hours of assistance for applying to academic and employment opportunities. This is ideal for applying to post-bac programs, internships, employment opportunities, and graduate and professional schools (e.g., business, law, medical sciences). H2D Beyond College provides individualized guidance and support for self-motivated applicants able to work independently.
Fee: $3000

Advocacy Services

Our advocacy services are provided to students of all abilities (with and without special needs) at all levels (pre-K thru graduate school) on an hourly basis specific to each student’s individual needs. Past H2D Counseling clients have used advocacy services for issues related to financial aid, academic probation, school admissions, learning disabilities, educational accommodations (e.g., IEP, 504 plan), LD assessments and college entrance testing.
Fee: $225/hour (requires a retainer)

Method of Payment

Payment is due at the time of service or in advance.